17 August, 2009

Chocolates don't solve all of your problems

I've been wanting to update my blog a few times but I just don't seem to have the time. Been busy with this and that and I'm way behind my study and assignment schedule that I planned earlier this sem (this really make me sounds nerdy ;) ). Today is Monday again and it's only the fourth week of semester but it seems that uni had started ages ago with the pile of works that needed attention.

Since last Wednesday I've been my aunt tourist guide whose here for work for 2 weeks. Spending time with her made me realised how much I miss my family back home. Walking at southbank, West End market, citycat ride, shopping at harbourtown and DFO all remind me of the times when I was a tourist guide to my family back in December. How I wish I could turn back time. I know that my aunt is also my family but its not the same as my parents and siblings. Remember last time I said that I'm tempted to go back for raya? Well I'm seriously considering it. Moreover I have 2 weeks of midsemester break due to 3rd year free teaching week and insyaAllah raya falls on the Sunday before my 3rd year free teaching week. That means I can really enjoy raya back home. Hmm..but I need to consider many factors first is the cost, second is my workload and lastly I'll be going back in 3 months time which if I keep myself busy will not be that long. I really need to think this thoroughly.

with my aunt

Enough with the emotion and with the updates. On the 6th was my friend, Aza's birthday. Though we planned a surprise for her but I guess she sensed it already so it was not that surprise after all. Actually we planned it kinda last minute as well but the feeling of getting together like that is something that I've not experience for some time. Happy 22nd Birthday Aza!!!

birthday girl (in the middle) cutting her birthday cake

some of the guests that night

Last saturday we had our 52nd merdeka celebration. I know we still have like 2 more weeks before the real merdeka but due to Ramadhan which we'll be meeting in a couple of days we celebrated it early. This year we had this theatre called 'Kekasih Semalam'. Its about the love between a malay girl and a chinese boy which they have to sacrifice for the sake of the country. My roomate, ciktie was one of the cast and I think this was the main reason that attracted me to watch the theatre.

one of the dancing scene

ciktie as Mak Anum

Besides the theatre, award was also present to certain individuals plus the food for the night was AWESOME!!!. The menu was nasi kerabu, ayam percik, karipap, popia plus pulut kuning. It is so rare to get nasi kerabu here, although I can be made but its too tidious. Overall the event was a success.

me and my housemates, diana and ciktie

That's all for now,

Till then~

05 August, 2009

Nisfu Syaaban

Just nak share with all of you.

Tahun nie, Nisfu Syaaban jatuh pada hari Khamis, 6 August 2009. Nisfu dlm bahasa arab beerti setengah. Nisfu Syaaban beerti setengah bulan Syaaban. Malam Nisfu Syaaban adalah malam lima-belas Syaaban iaitu siangnya empat-belas haribulan Syaaban.Malam Nisfu Syaaban merupakan malam yang penuh berkat dan rahmat selepas malam Lailatul qadr. Saiyidatina Aisyah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi saw tidak tidur pada malam itu sebagaimana yg tersebut dalam sebuah hadis yg diriwayatkan oleh Iman Al-Baihaqi r.a:

Rasulullah saw telah bangun pada malam (Nisfu Syaaban) dan bersembahyang dah sungguh lama sujudnya sehingga aku fikir beliau telah wafat. Apabila aku melihat demikian aku mencuit ibu jari kaki Baginda saw dan bergerak. Kemudian aku kembali dan aku dengar Baginda saw berkata dlm sujudnya, "Ya Allah aku pohonkan kemaafanMu daripada apa yg akan diturunkan dan aku pohonkan keredhaanMu daripada kemurkaanMu dan aku berlindung kpdMu daripadaMu. Aku tidak dpt menghitung pujian terhadapMu seperti kamu memuji diriMu sendiri."Setelah Baginda saw selesai sembahyang, Baginda berkata kpd Saiyidatina Aisyah r.a. "Malam ini adalan malam Nisfu syaaban. Sesunguhnya Allah Azzawajjal telah dtg kpd hambanya pada malam Nisfu syaaban dan memberi keampunan kpd mereka yg beristighfar, memberi rahmat ke atas mereka yg memberi rahmat dan melambatkan rahmat dan keampunan terhadap org2 yg dengki."

Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama mengambil saat keemasan ini untuk menutup catatan amal ibadah kita kpd Allah dengan baik dan sempurna dan seterusnya berazam untuk memperbaiki diri kita untuk catatan yang baru. Hari nisfu sya'aban adalah hari dimana buku catatan amalan kita selama setahun diangkat ke langit dan diganti dengan buku catatanyang baru. Catatan pertama yang akan dicatatkan dibuku yang baru akan bermula sebaik sahaja masuk waktu maghrib,(15 Sya'aban bermula pada 14hb sya'aban sebaik sahaja masuk maghrib).

Berikut adalah antara amal ibadah di hari Nisfu Sya'aban:

1. Selepas solat maghrib (15 Sya'aban), Solat sunat nisfu sya'aban, 2 rakaatRakaat 1 : baca Al-Fatihah & surah Al-Qadar 1x, Rakaat 2 : baca Al-Fatihah & surah Al-Ikhlas 3x

2. Membaca Yasin 3x selepas solat Maghribnya (15 Sya'aban). Selepas Yasin pertama : mohon dipanjangkan umur untuk beribadat kepada Allah. Selepas Yasin kedua : mohon rezeki yang halal untuk beribadat kepada Allah. Selepas Yasin ketiga : mohon ditetapkan iman dan Islam & mati di dalam iman & pohonlah segala yang baik.Kemudian baca Istighfar 11x & selawat 11x Baca doa nisfu Sya'aban (ada didalam Yasin Majmuk)

3. Baca surah ikhlas 1000x

4. Berpuasa pada siangnya

Abul Khair Al Talaqaani r.a. mengira nama2 malam Nisfu Syaaban sebanyak 22. Antaranya yg termasyhur adalah:

1. Malam Dimustajabkan Doa

2. Malam Pembahagian Takdir

3. Malam Rahmat

4. Malam Berkat

5. Malam Pengampunan (Taubat)

6. Malam Penebusan

7. Malam Syafaat

8. Malam Penulisan

9. Malam Keagungan dan Kemuliaan

10. Malam Rezeki

11. Malam Hari Raya ParaMalaikat

12. Malam Penghidupan

Antara kelebihan bulan Sya'aban:

1. Sesiapa berpuasa sehari dalam bulan Sya'aban maka Allah haramkan tubuhnya dari api neraka dan dia akan menjadi teman kpd nabi Allah Yusof di dalam syurga.

2. Riwayat dari Osman Bin Abi Al-As, Sabda Nabi Muhammad (saw): pada malam nisfu sya'aban setelah berlalu 1/3 malamnya, Allah turun ke langit dunia lalu berfirman : adakah orang-orang yang meminta maka Aku perkenankan permintannya, adakah orang yang meminta ampun maka aku ampunkannya, adakah orang yang bertaubat maka aku terima taubatnya dan diampunkan semua orang mukmin lelaki & perempuan , melainkan orang yang berzina atau orang yang berdendam marah hatinya kepada saudaranya.

Sebaik-baiknya minta ampun dengan ibubapa sebelum hari nisfu sya'aban kerana amalan kita akan terhalang dari diangkat ke langit sekiranya kita derhaka/berdosa dengan ibubapa kita.
Jadi marilah kita meriahkan bulan Syaaban ini dengan ibadah yang lebih.

P/s: Ada 2 minggu lagi sebelum kita bertemu dengan Ramadhan.

02 August, 2009

Another semester

Another week has passed in this new semester, this will be my last semester before I camp myself in a research lab. I was hoping for a good start but it didn't turn out as I planned. The first day of new semester, I was already late for the first class (bangun lambat..hehe) then we were given the first assignment which was due the next Monday and worth 10%. By Wednesday, I have 6 research papers to read. No wonder some of my seniors said that third year is tough, they don't even give you the chance to rest and me still in holiday mood really2 don't feel like doing assignment on the first week of semester.

Not only that I have to face assignment on my first week, I still haven't decided on my elective yet. I'm trapped between medicinal chemistry and 1st year math. Medicinal chemistry is good for my career but I think the chemistry is too much for me as I struggled with it last year. Maths is just SPM-like math which I haven't done for 3 years. If i want to boost my CGPA it's good but I think it'lll be a waste of my 2unit plus I won't get my third year free teaching week. I don't know, I'm still thinking bout it and I have till friday to make up my mind. For the time being I'm attending lectures for both subject.

Well, I'm getting better, my cough seems to reduce by 96% after i took the antibiotic but I still feel pain on my left abdomen which makes me feel like an old lady in the morning and i think I need to see a doctor bout it. This Friday we will be having a friendly basketball match with the Indonesians which I'm really excited about but I don't know if I'm well enough to play or not. Hopefully I am.

That's it for the 1st week of semester.
Till then~

Tagged 3

The rules:
• Write three (3) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.

-rajin layan aku di kala aku sedang bosan atau malas study..hehe

-suka spongebob

-baru berjinak-jinak dengan buku cerita ;)

• Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies.

-suka travel

-suka membaca novel

-suka layan cerita korea/jepun/taiwan

-pernah berangan nak jadi pilot

-suka bersukan tapi abah kate dah semakin tua so kene kurangkan..hehe

-jarang sakit tapi sekali sakit mengambil masa yang lama nak sembuh

-selalu niat nak update blog tapi malas

-suka colour orange and purple

-suka nombor 8

-rindu nak balik Malaysia

• Pick your seven (7) most deserving recipients and describe them.

Malas nak tag sesiapa

• Leave a comment on the recipients’ blog to tell them they’ve been tagged.


24 July, 2009

Winter hols


Lamanya tak update blog. Ingat hari tue lepas NCG nak update tapi tak berapa sihat pula pastue internet rumah member pun macam kura-kura menyebabkan niat nak update tue terbantut.
Firstly update pasal NCG, Alhamdulillah dapat 3 medal. Futsal aje tak ada rezeki nak menang tapi team satu lagi dapat silver. Netball and basketball dapat silver dan tennis dapat bronze. Tennis tue tetibe last minit jadi bidan terjun untuk female double, training 2 hari je. Dah nak dekat 8 tahun tak main tennis betul2, last main waktu form2 pastu tak pernah main sampai last year housemate aku sorang tu tetibe nak belajar main tennis. Itu pun bukan main ngan serius pun. Dapat medal pun sebab tak ramai state yang hantar team, kiranya kitorg bernasib baik jela.

Sehari lepas NCG jalan2 kat Paddy's market, dinner kat Abg Sam ngan bebudak taylors pastue malam tue ada With Love Down Under Charity Gig. Overall ok jela event tue, I was hoping for it to be more but Flop Poppy performed live and I think that was the part that I enjoyed most. The next day pergi lunch ngan Hani n Tas (housemate Hani) kat sushi (sushi kat Brisbane lagi sedap..hehe) time nie badan dah rasa tak sedap. Petang tue jumpa Iza kat Paddy's, pastue ingat nak lepak skejap umah Iza sebab Iza nak masakkan dinner. Last2 petang the next day baru balik ke rumah hani semula sebab malam tue demam, temp tinggi gila. Memang 24 jam tidur aje. Nie dahla 1st time sakit kat sini, besenya kalo sakit kat Mesia abah mesti tolong letakkan kain kat dahi nak turunkan temp, mak mesti masakkan nasi ngan sup takpun bubur. Time nie sempatla juga rasa homesick kejap.

On the 14th turun Adelaide, time nie ade rase ala2 nak sehat tp batuk punya teruk. Sesampai Adelaie gi makan karipap rumah yana dulu (thanx yana, sedap karipap korg buat..hehe). Next stop, umah effa, syifa and bani. Sampai umah dorg makan lagi sebab syifa goreng nasi. Lepas kekenyangan, semua tido. Buruk punya perangai..hehe, tapi nak buat macam mane dah penat. Petang tue just jalan2 bandar and uni dorg jela. The next day, Amir ngan kacang sampai Adelaide kitorg pergi Hahndorf, tempat nie ala2 perkampungan Jerman (tapi takdela macam Jerman sangat). Niat dihati nak pergi strawberry picking, skali bukan musim. So tak dapatla nak petik strawberry, kitorg pun beli jela strawberry jam.
The next 2 days kitorg sewa keta, banyak juga tempat yang kitorg sempat pergi. Glenelg (pantai kat Adelaide), Port Adelaide, St Kilda, Victor Harbour (pergi tengok penguin), Wispering Wall, Barossa Valley, Mt Lofty (boleh tengok seluruh Adelaide. Overall it was worth it and the time spend with friends is just precious. Kalau nak tengok gamba, sume kat facebook; malas nak letak gambar kat sini.

The next trip is Central Australia. Yang nie trip yang ditunda sejak easter holiday. Akhirnya tercapai juga hasrat nak pergi tempat nie. Walaupun tempat nie ada batu dan gurun saja tapi memang best. Pastue rasanya kat sini je kot yang speed limit jalan die 130kmph. Memang bebudak nie pecut jela, dahla jalan straight aje. Tapi aku tak drive kat sana sebab masih tak berapa sihat..hehe..Seksa ok jalan time sakit nie, nak gelak pun tak boleh sebab nanti batuk. Dahla bebudak nie suka buat lawak..adoi..memang seksa..hehe..kitorg juga sempat panjat Uluru (batu warna merah yang ada kat tengah2 Australia tue). Aku tak berani nak naik tinggi2 sebab angin kuat dan kasut tak berapa grip tapi dapatla nail dalam 1/4 Uluru tue. Amir ngan kacang naik tinggi lagi, kacangla semangat gila nak panjat Uluru tue. Banyak lagi nak cerita tapi tak larat,tengok jela gambar kat facebook.

2 hari lepas balik ke Brisbane tak buat apa2 pun. Just duduk rumah dan rehat. Semalam gi clinic sebab batuk dah 2 minggu tak baik2 lagi risau juga. Tapi BUKAN swine flu ye..memula jumpa nurse, nurse kate temp aku tinggi lagi, so die pun refer ke doc. Doc check2 and bagi antibiotic, die suh datang balik kalau dalam sminggu tak baik2 lagi. Hopefully by that time dah baikla. Kelas dah nak start dalam 2 hari lagi jadi tak nak lah sakit. Nanti ade kang tak pergi kelas..hihihi..

So stakat nie je kot,nanti dah sihat nanti update lagi.
Till then~

07 July, 2009

Syurga Cinta

Finally after 2 months of waiting, I have the chance to watch this movie. I was attracted with the movie after watching the trailer 2 months ago. To me this movie is different from other movie plus Awal is the hero made me really want to watch it ;). But after watching it I was a bit dissapointed as I expected more. Not to say that the movie was not good, it's good; maybe my expectations were too high. I really like to message that they want to deliver to the viewers, the love between humans in Islam.

I've just finish reading a book entitled 'Pemilik Cintaku Setelah Allah dan Rasul' which narrates the love between people in Islamic context and how to lead a happy life after marriage (Mong, aku pun dah abes baca buku nie..hehe). This book was recommended by a friend who also went all of the trouble to post me this book from Malaysia. Thank you so much, this book really opens up my eyes regarding love. Although some of my friends laugh at me for reading a book like this, I don't care because I know that I gain something from this book. To me, I think it's never too early to gain knowledge about marriage because we will face it one day in our life. I'm recommending this book to people who are reading this post and I hope you gain something out of it as I did.

Tomorrow will be the start of my winter trip, I'll be flying down to Sydney for National Games & Conference (NCG) and hopefully I will bring back some shiny medals ;). Wish me luck and pray that I don't injure myself there. After Sydney, I will be flying down to Adelaide and will be there for 5 days. I've never been to Adelaide and I don't know what to expect there. Some of my friends said that there is nothing in Adelaide but who knows, they might be wrong. Then I'll be going to Alice Spring, the heart of Australia. There's nothing there except for desert and the big red rock which I really want to see with my own eyes. Final destination is back to Brisbane on the 22nd of July ;). I know with the swine flu pandemic my parents are worried of me travelling. But I hope everything will be fine and I will take extra precaution. Don't worry, I will take care of myself.

Till then~

26 June, 2009



Alhamdulillah..I've finished my exams yesterday. Finally after 2 weeks of having the lecture notes as my best friend I'm done with half of my third year. Although I know that I didn't do well at least I've tried my best.

So what did I do after my exams??

After maghrib, me and ciktie went to west end for dinner at Makanan Indonesia which kitorang makan tak ingat dunia ;) . After that we head to SouthBank to watch Transformers 2 which was AWESOME!!!. Seriously I enjoyed every part of the movie. I give 10 out of 10 for this movie. So, for those who haven't watched it I really recommend this movie.

Today, the official beggining of my holiday started with Diana (my housemate) waking me up at 9.15am and netball and futsal training. Yes I spend the whole day on the field running around catching and kicking balls when I thought that I could laze around and wake up late. Well, NCG is in 2 weeks time so we need all the training that we could get before people started travelling. We aimed to be the overall champion and hopefully it will become a reality in a fortnight.

So, my plan for the next two weeks is training, training and training (+harbourtown+DFO). Not to forget that I'm also expecting my childhood friend from the 1st to 4th July from Auckland. Nanad, can't wait for you to come here!!
Lastly, I've bought my tix back to Brissy next year. So, I will be in Malaysia from 23rd Nov till 30 Jan thanks to MAS for having the Grab-A-Deal sale (macam buat iklan pulak). The cheap flight actually tempt me to buy tix to go back for raya again this year but thinking of my holiday at the end of the year had stopped me from doing so. With only next year left, I think I should just celebrate raya here and experience raya oversea with friends.

That's all from me for now,
Till then~

12 June, 2009


Salam to all,

I know I said that I won't be updating my blog till the 25th but I just can't resist sharing this stuff with all of you..hehehe..

After 10 weeks of hard work and after all of the disappointments that I went through I got a result for my experiment!!! This is something that seems for far from reality 10 weeks ago..

So tadaa...

this is the control..can you see the difference between this pic and the pic below it??

By the way, the stuff in blue is the nucleus of the cell and the green stuff is tubulin. The green and blue should be on top of each other but they are a bit out in these pics. But it was aligned later on in another pic which I forgot to get a copy of.

how cool is that??this is the outcome that I've been waiting to see since i started the experiment

Maybe a bit of shock sendiri, but I'm really happy that things turn out ok in the end. At least I've got some cool pics to show my supervisor ;)

That's all for now..back to the books..

Till then~

07 June, 2009

It's June

I think cobwebs are starting to form on this page..hehe..I'm not neglecting it on purpose, it's been like a roller coaster for the past fortnight. So, I don't have time to update it.

It is now officially swot vac but I haven't started studying yet. I still need to get my genomics assignment out of the way before I started studying. Currently, whatever we found seems to contradict with each other. Normally, the sequence of a protein will give info about the structure and function of the protein but it seems that the function of our protein can't be deduced from the structure and sequence. Besides that, I still have my lab presentation this coming Friday which I haven't done anything yet.

I like my exam timetable this semester. It gives me enough time between each paper to study. My timetable:

16/6- chemical structure determination exam and genomics presentation
19/6-drug design & development exam
25/6-biomedical pharmacology exam

I guess I won't be updating my blog till the 25th unless something exciting came up which I really doubt.
To all my friends who are sitting for exam, I wish all the best to all of you. For those who has started their holiday, enjoy the hols while you can..hehe

By the way, I've bought my flight tix back home already..I'll be back in Malaysia on the 23rd of Nov..can't wait..

That's all from me for the time being..

Till then~

28 May, 2009


Before korang baca lebih lanjut aku nak mintak maaf kalau ade guna bahasa yang kasar. Sekadar nak meluahkan perasaan aje..

Sape la makhluk yang pandai sangat yang cabut plug incubator bila terang2 kat suis tu tulis "Please do not remove". Tak reti baca ke apa?? yang peliknya..sume orang kat situ reseacher, dorg patut taula betapa pentingnya incubator tue especially for tissue culture. Benda paling basic kot untuk cell survive adalah temperature yang sesuai dan CO2. Macam mana cell nak hidup kalau 2 menda penting tu takde. Habis mati sume cell kesejukan. Naseb baek la aku ade 1 plate je, tu pun aku baru plate kan cell tue semalam. Kalau aku dah nak stain cell tue arie nie memang tak pasal2 aku jadi pembunuh kang. dahla experiment tue amek masa 2 minggu. Spoil betulla, dah plate nie tak boleh nak guna aku kene kerja lebih masa sket supaya aku ada result nak present dalam masa 2 minggu nanti.

Kalau aku takde keje laen takpela jugak..Nie assignment pun tak siap lagi, next week dahla last week untuk klas. Sempat ke tak aku nak siapkan assignment nie? Stress btol..nie pun spatutnya buat keje sempat lagi nak tulis blog. Tapi takkan nak buat keje je, kena rehat jugak kan?? tambah dengan geram dengan makhluk yang tak diketahui lagi..

Ok..dahlah..kene sambung wat report nie..
Chaiyok Huda!!

Till then~

08 May, 2009

( '_' )

Yang nie tagged by Aiza, my junior from school.

1) Anda perlu printscreen wallpaper anda yang tengah guna skang (jangan main tipu)

2) Bgtau nape anda suke wallpaper anda itu

3) Tag 10 orang

This is the pic of my family taken during raya last year. Being away from home makes me homesick sometime. I put a pic of them so that I can see them whenever I look at my laptop. It sucks you know being away from your family and missing some of the family events back home. it seems like all the good things happen when you are not around. Can't wait for November to see them again.

I'm not tagging anyone.

Till then~

My History

Nie tag yang sudah berkurun lame aku simpan. Yatie, aku dah langsaikan hutang.
17 things about my past.

1. I always hate going to school during standard 1 coz I was bullied. I always gave lousy reasons to my bibik so that i dont have to go to school.

2. I've been an only child for 3 years and I hate my brother when he was born. I always asked my parents to just leave him at the neighbour's house as the neighbour was baby sitting him while my parents are at work

3. I've never stayed at a place for more than 4 years before moving to Shah Alam. Even though my family been living in Shah Alam for 6 years now but I still feels that Kuantan is my home town.

4. I've been to 5 primary schools in total. Luckily I've only been to 1 secondary school. I hate moving schools coz I hate the feeling of starting anew again. I have to leave my friends and make new one which I'm not that good at.

5. I lived in UK for 3.5 years while my dad was furthering his studies. This was the best time of my life and I hope to go back to those time.

6. I used to love reading story books under my quilt with the bedside lamp on. Even though my parents would remind me that it would worsen my eyesight I would ignore them and I'm paying the price right now for ignoring their advice.

7. I tried to run away from home when I was 10 (time nie kat UK) after my mum scold me for not putting my toys away properly. Then I realised that i dont even have the money to buy a plane tix.

8. I was 12 when I came back to malaysia. The PPD wouldn't let me take UPSR coz they don't want me to ruin the school's reputation. (Note: At that time SK Bukit Sekilau was the best primary school in Pahang). Nasib baik dapat 5A.

9. People called me 'bahulu' when I was in standard 6. During BM class my teacher was talking something about bahulu and I raised my hand and innocently ask what is bahulu. The whole class lauged at me, it was soo embarrassing. After that I never asked anything again in class.

10. I don't have any girl friends during standard 6 as all my neighbours are boys.

11. My first ambition was to be a pilot as I like travelling. But when my eye sight started to deteriorate I gave up on that ambition. I wished I listened to my parents' advice.

12. I hate science as I always get C for it and selalu kena rotan ngan cikgu Hisham. Since then I vowed that i wont take biology time F4. So I change my ambition to architecture as I love doing lukisan teknik during KH. In the end my mum wants me to take biology and here I am now doing biotechnology totally the opposite of what I initially want to do.

13. After UPSR I was sooo excited when I know that I got an offer to go to boarding school. I always wanted to go to boarding school since I read Enid Blyton's Malory Tower and St Clare's books.

14. I started playing basketball since 13 and it has been my passion since then.

15. When I was in F2 one teacher told me that I wouldn't be a mother because I reject to be on the board of prefects. Ade ke patut die cakap macam tue..

16. I was not close with my family during my school days. I think it's because I've always been away from home. After SPM, I spend 6 months at home and due to that I'm now close with my siblings and parents.

17. I was so sad when I didn't get scholarship offer after SPM. I was at matrix Perak at that time and most of my close friends got the scholarship and leaving matrix. My dad even gave me the book 'La Tahzan' to comfort me. Later on after I was adapting so well and make new friends, I got the scholarship offer. It was a tough decision that time but then I chose to accept it as I really want to study oversea. (it seems that i really like to be away from my family, but that's not true)

People I want to tag: Aqilah, Munirah Hanim, Aza Baizura, Diyana Ruzana and sesape yang rajin nak buat tag nie.

30 April, 2009


I was doing research for my pharmacodebate assignment and what I found was deadly SHOCKING!! I might exaggerate things a little but I just want to express my feelings right now. Do any of you know of the name Merck?? Well they are actually among the biggest pharmaceutical company in the world with many products currently on the market. In 1999 they release a drug name Vioxx on the market which was used to treat osteoarthritis. The drug was good as it reduce injury in the gut but was later on withdrawn from the market due to cardiovascular effect.

The topic for my assignment was ‘withdrawal of the coxib drugs demonstrates that the hurdles for new drug registration are too low’ and I’m on the against team. When I was looking for info on why they withdrawn the drugs, I found that it was because the patients who took the drugs have increase risk of cardiovascular effect. But the effect was not that significant if you use the drugs for less than 18 months. If you use the drug longer than that then the problems will arise.
Later on I found out that the people from Merck know that the drug was going to have a cardiovascular effect and they didn’t disclose it. They know it all along; they even manipulate the data from the clinical trials to hide the truth from the public and authorities. How bad is that? You are talking about people’s life here and they only care about the money?? The worst thing was that they even influence the doctors not to report the hazardous effect of the drug and intimidate scientists who go against them. Jahat giler..

vioxx pills

There was this one case in the US where a mother sued Merck for her daughter’s death. Her daughter died of heart attack after 2.5 years of using this drug. When she brought the case to court, the doctor that treat her daughter claimed that he never treated the patients before. This was one of the examples on how Merck influence the doctors.

Before this I always look up to the big pharmas and wish that one day I will work for them. If this is how they do their work, I don’t even mind if I don’t get to work for them in my lifetime. I know I’m a bit emotional but I can’t help it. I know that reality always hurt, but I wish there was something that I can do to avoid things like this from happening again.

Back to work. Till then~

26 April, 2009


Today my holiday officially ends and tomorrow I have to go to classes again. It has been a hell of a week and I didn't get much rest. To be honest I've been waking up earlier than when my classes are on. Basically I've been stressing myself this week with many assignments and work.
My IMB experiment has started but things haven't been going well with it and colleagues are pressuring me for the biological result as they want to publish the findings. It is a pressure when people keep asking you for the results when you can't even get the desired amount of cell density correct and the cells don't look happy.
The other thing I'm stressing about is my chemistry structure determination assignment. I have waste a total of 4 hours this week in the chemistry lab doing that assignment. The problem is that everytime I refine my structure all the atoms are gone. How on earth am I going to solve my structure if I don't have atoms to assign to??Then I found out later on that I've got the chemical formula for my assignment wrong. Instead of Cl3 (chlorine) I read it as C13 (carbon). No wonder I have some funny atoms that I can't assign and my calculations for the first part of the experiment is all wrong already.

Coming up, I have this pharmaco debate presentation for my biot drug design & development coming up this Thursday and me and my group mates haven't come up with an argument for it yet. But we will get together tomorrow night to discuss it. I also have midsem for genomics next tuesday which contribute 50% to my final grade and I haven't even started studying yet and after that one by one the assignments due. I don't know how I will survive this 2nd part of the semester.
My weekend was also burnt due to the Queensland Sports Carnival (QSC). I played futsal, frisbee, netball and basketball and I was placed in the yellow team. It was a lot of fun as I can take my mind away from my workload and just play my heart out. The event just ended this evening and surprisingly yellow come out as the overall winner. I didn't expect that we could be the overall champion, I thought we were 2nd or 3rd. With QSC ended, now I have to find players the girls basketball team It's always hard with the girls as not many girls play basketball. The also say that it's a rough game and they don't want to play it. Well if anybody reading this and they know anybody who plays basketball, ask them to contact me..(mcm wat iklan plak..hehe).

my netball team

futsal (we got silver)

with the basketball guys at the BBQ & prize giving ceremony

the overall winner..YELLOW!!

Well it has been a tiring weekend and I want to get a good rest before class commence tomorrow.Nite everybody.
Till then~

17 April, 2009

Easter in Melbourne

I just got back from Melbourne 2 days ago. This is my first easter outside Brisbane and first time travelling alone (bunyi cam loner giler kan). Well it wasn't the best time in my life (as I enjoyed NZ more) but I did enjoyed every second of it. Though there are some hardship in the beginning but I overcome it.

I was on my way to the Gold Coast on Saturday morning when Jetstar texted me saying that my flight has been delayed to 6.45pm and I was supposed to fly at 3.25pm, 3 hours delay. I want to go back home but I was already half way there and I though that I will try my luck for an earlier flight. When I got at the airport, the flight before mine was fully booked which means that I can't get on an earlier flight and have 4 hours to kill before my flight was due. It was the longest 4 hours in my life, I called Hani and talked to her for an hour and played with my DS till the battery run out. Then I realised that I didn't bring the charger for my DS, damn.

The thing that I was so frustrated was that the flight after mine was at 6.40pm and that flight was $20 cheaper than my flight. At first I want to buy that tix but I didn't because I don't want to arrive late in Melbourne. In the end, that flight arrived earlier than my flight which made me loss $20, double damn.

Everything wasn't as bad as it seemed. The first day in Melb, I went to this art market. It's just Southbank market here in Brissy. Then later on in the morning me, Faiz and Linda (my junior from school) went to Monash Uni, Clayton. I called my friend who is there coz I thought of giving her a surprise. But then she gave me a surprise back as she was not in Clayton, she was in Melb city at UMNO cup.Tula nak buat surprise sangat kan dah terkena surprise sendiri. Back from Clayton met up with my friend, Alun. He was in Gold Coast before this but now he's doing this lawyer training in Melb. That night faiz cooked dinner for me, linda and his cousin who just arrived in Melb that morning. Day 1 done.

faiz, me, linda and alun

The next day we rented a car and drove to Sovereign Hill, Ballarat west of Melb city.Faiz's cousin, Aina and Abid (my junior from school as well) joined me, Faiz and Linda. Feels like a small SEMESTA reunion pun ada. It was already noon when we arrived there but we managed to cover every part of the gold mining town. Back from Ballarat we head to St Kilda and late dinner at Lazzat (a malaysian restaurant). Melb has lots of halal food stores and due to that I gained 3kg from my trip down there.

the 5 of us at sovereign Hill

On tuesday I don't really have plans just tour around city and dorklands. That night we went to Crown to watch the hell of fire as they call it. Then we went to play laser skirmish. This is my first time playing it, I didn't get the chance to play it on my last visit. It was tiring but I had loads of fun. But I'm not that good in it, always got hit by others and my shooting really sucks. We hang out at crown till midnight. Then we realised that there was no more trams to go back so we ended walking home. So tiring~

me and faiz at Melb museum

The last day in melb just went to Melbourne museum, Imax and REB. I want to go into the museum but the queue was soo long and time doesnt permit. I might miss my flight if I'm not careful. Luckily nothing went wrong on the way back. Landed in Brisbane I rushed to UQ as we have our weekly netball social sport. I only make it in time for the fourth quarter.

With the hols coming to an end, I still have loads of work to do. I know that I have the free teaching week next week but I still have my casual research to do and I do have biotech class on Thursday and Friday. I hope that I will use my time wisely as I'm still in holiday mood and not much progress have been going on since I got back from Melbourne. Overall my holiday was a blast, thanks to faiz for everything. Nanti datang Brissy aku jadi tour guide ko pulak ye.

Till then~

10 April, 2009

Off to Melbourne

Finally I can have a break from uni and work..today is the start of easter holiday for a week. I was suppose to be productive today but in the end I just laze around watching taiwanese drama. How productive was that??
Tomorrow I will be flying down to Melbourne till the 15th of April. So, no update till then but I will update as soon as I'm back from Melbourne. To yatie, I'll do your tag when I return ok?
After I'm back from Melbourne tons of assignments and studying need to be done plus lab work as well. So for the coming 5 days I just want to relax , distress and enjoy myself.
Good night. Till then~

08 April, 2009

Patience is rewarding

Just want to share with you guys that patience could be very rewarding.

I do some casual tutoring during the semester. Basically I teach 1st year students chemistry, its just introductory chemistry which is the same standard as high school chemistry. So really really basic stuff. The kids that took this course never done any chemistry before in their life. Think again when you were in high school learning chem for your 1st time. Everything seems so alien to you. I guess that's what those kids would feel.

My role is not to teach them but to assist them in their learning by giving them worksheets and practice questions related to their lectures. This week we went through lewis structure with them. It was soo hard explaining to them the simple stuff when you have a deeper knowledge in that area. Sometimes when we know too much its hard to go back to the basic.

So my partner was explaining to them the steps to get lewis structure for a compound and these kids just dont understand it. It's quite frustrating at first because we know that this thing is simple and yet they are struggling with it. They were asking questions like:

"why there are 2 electrons when you have a single bond?"
"why is there 10 electrons in phosphorus when they can only achieve and octet?"
" how can 5 chlorines attach to 1 phosphorus?" (while drawing all the chlorine and phosphorus in one line)

You may think that these are stupid questions but those were the questions that they asked. If you are the type of person that is quick tempered you may be annoyed when they asked you these questions. But if you go through the problems with them step by step and be patient with all their questions you will find it very rewarding. Once they have grasp the concept and they know what to do, you have this joy feeling deep inside. You will feel that it was all worth it. You should see their face when they had grasp the concept, it left you with this feeling of satisfaction. It really does feels good..hehe

Know I know how my mum feels when she teaches her students. It is frustrating when the people that you teach just dont seem to get what you are talking about. The only way out of it is to be patient and you will see that the outcome is really rewarding. That's all.

Good night. Till then~

01 April, 2009

1/4 of the year gone

Without realising it, we already stepping into the fourth month of the year 2009 indicating that a quarter of the year has already gone. How time flies..

Next week is my last week of class before the easter holiday. I really cant wait for the holiday, not only I can rest and take a deep breath from what I've been going through for the past month. It's also a time to catch up with my studies. Half of the time in the lecture halls I don't even know what am I learning.

Besides that, this year I got a long easter holiday as the week after the holiday is the third year free teaching week. Every semester third year student have this free teaching week as previous years students complaint that they do not have enough time to study and do their assignments as the workload is huge during third year. So,the uni has kindly gave third year this special no class week.

By the way this easter I'll be going to Melbourne. Faiz, get ready to be a good tourist guide ye..hehe. I've been to Melbourne before during my first year but my stay was so short that I didn't get to go to many places. Hopefully this time I will go to the places that I didn't get the chance to go to last time.

With 8 days more of uni before the holiday; I still have a presentation tomorrow, a quiz on Friday, practical questions due on Wednesday and chemistry assignment due next Thursday. And what the hell am i doing here updating my blog. Procrastinating, that's what I'm good at. Ok, need to continue with my assignments.

my messy study desk

Till then~

28 March, 2009

Another reason to be thankful

Well remember last time when I was working on my summer project over at the school of pharmacy I told you guys that my supervisor want to keep me working in her lab (refer to post title *Updates*). Well the research board did not agree on it so I won't get paid if I still work there. At the same time, the research institute that I was doing research during 2nd year was offering 3rd year students research scholarships to do a 10 week research project with maximum of 8 hours per week. How good was that? not only that you have to work for a maximum of one day per week, you get to do a mini research project and the best thing is that youu get paid. What more can you ask for?

I really want to apply for that scholarship but I was worried that my summer supervisor would be offended as she put a lot of effort in trying to keep me in her lab. But when I told her about the scholarship, instantly she advised me to apply for it. So without hesitation I applied for the scholarship and 2 days ago, the good news came. I got the scholarship!! I was really thankful because when I asked the admin about the available spots, they say they only give it to ~10 students. So I guess i was among the lucky 10.

Therefore, for this semester I will be occupied with lab work as well. The project that I will be working on still involve cell culture, but I will learn a new technique called High Throughput Screening where I will screen for neuroprotective compounds to help people with spinal cord injury. I am sooo excited and can't wait to start on this new project.

In the mean time, I have started to be busy with assignments, presentations and quiz. I'm really started to feel tired with the workloads. With weekends pass by in a flash, I really hope that I can cope with all of the things that come by. Btw, last Wednesday we had our 2nd netball social match. We lost again 10-29, but it's ok as they were fast and good (not to mention their GD had really long legs and arm) and their ranking is 2nd whereas we are 7th. I think we need more training as we seemed to be doing mistakes that we shouldn't have made. Hopefully we will do better in our next game.

Till then~.

18 March, 2009

Wedding bells

Walaupon menda nie dah agak lame dah (xdela lame mane pun), tapi nak tulis gak. Sabtu lepas aunt aku kawen, semua orang balik kampung, semua ada kat majlis kawin die kecuali anak sdare die sorang nie yang ade kat bumi kangaroo. Sedih tol aku sebab miss wedding dia dahla time die tunang pun aku takde, tula sape suruh tak warning awal2. Kalau tak mesti aku balik punya. By the way aunt aku baru 25 tahun ye rakan2..hehe..muda lagi, macam kakak aku pun ada. Malam lepas kenduri tue call mak, mak pun citerla yang semua ok and esok harinya dorg akan pegi majlis kat belah lelaki plak. Tengah syok gossip2 ngan mak tetiba mak kate tok wan (nenek aku) nak cakap ngan aku.

tokwan: bakpola mu duk jauh2 tue..mu sore jo hok takdok kat sini.ore laen sume kelik mu takdo
(dalam tangisan)

aku: *dalam hati* tokwan nie pehal lak nie emotional lebeh2 nie?

aku: la..xpola..hujung taun nie ore kelik la..dah2..bakponye nangis nie..

tokwan: yela, tokwan sedih r mu sore jo takdo

Itula nenek aku..aku pun jadi sebak kejap bile cakap ngan die tue and tetibe je jadi homesick. Tokwan nie, die pulak yang buat aku jadi emotional. Tapi nak buat macam mane, pelajaran punya pasal terpaksala duk jauh ngan keluarga, miss family event macam nie.
Papehal pun wedding tue was a success. Here are some pics:

the pengantin

my sisters, cousin, bakal aunt and aunt

my mum, my sibs and the newly weds

P/S: Looking at these pics i really wished that i was there.
Till then~

13 March, 2009

Bz upcoming weekend

Class has started for 2 weeks and I'm way behind my schedule of the stuff that needs to be done. The piles of work seems to increase from day to day and I'm still lazing around. I'm still not in the mood for uni stuff. It's just that I don't think I had enough rest after I stopped working and the weather seems gloomy these past few days which didn't help at all. I always aimed to wake up early and do some studying in the morning before class (as my class always starts around noon) but always end up waking up late and do nothing except watch some drama on my lappy.

Starting monday things will get serious as the prac sessions for pharmacology will start and I'll be starting to teach the first years again. The drug design class will start after 2 weeks of not having it and I'll be deciding which project I want to work on for my part time research job. I still have another meeting with a supervisor on Monday and I hope by the end of the day I'll make up my mind.

As for the topic of this post, this weekend I'm pretty occupied. On Saturday, early morning I need to go to the market to fill up our fridge or else we have nothing to eat for the next 2 weeks (as we bought our groceries every fortnight). Then we have the welcoming BBQ for the UQ Malaysian Society at South Bank. I know its optional and I don't really need to go but i wasnt at the MASCA Wecoming BBQ the previous week so I need to find time to socialize and meet with people that I haven't met for quite a while. Later on the afternoon I have netball training from 3.30pm till 5.30pm. Need to brush up my stamina and playing skills. Hopefully we can win the upcoming game on Wednesday. Tomorrow night me and my housemates are planning to watch Confession of a Shopaholic but it depends on hpw we cope with the day. If we are too tired then we have to postpone it to some other time.

On Sunday, I have an invitation to a friend's house and then have futsal training later on the afternoon. Hopefully I can squeeze in some time to do my work on Sunday and really wish that I don't waste the time that I have on that day.

So, the things that I hope to get done this weekend:
1. Finish my chem short notes
2. Top up the lecture notes for pharmaco and genomics
3. Complete genomics prac exercise and submit it on Monday

I know it doesn't seem a lot but if you add procrastination to it then I won't get it done. So, wish me luck everybody and do remind me not to play around this weekend.

Have a nice weekend. Till then~

11 March, 2009


After 3 months of not doing any sports, now I'm back on the field. Tonight was our first netball match for UQ Social Game. We will be playing every Wednesday night starting from tonight for the next 10 weeks. Actually this is our second time entering it, we entered the netball social game last year as well but it was outdoor. As the indoor fees was the same as outdoor, we thought of joining the indoor team this year. This is also part of our training for the coming NCG in July. Hopefully we can get gold this year. I've got bronze and silver for netball but now I want to add gold to the collection..hehe

As for tonight's game, we lost 7-20 to Blue & White team. We can actually win this game but I guess it's the first time we (I mean me) played again after a long period of rest. My stamina really sucks..after the 1st quater I was really out of breath and started getting headache. I have to take note to start jogging to gain back my stamina after this. Overall it was a good game though some of the times some of us were a bit 'kelam kabut' but it was our first attemp. Hopefully next week we will perform better and pray that victory is on our side.

Till then~
P/S: lame dah tak bersukan membuatkan badanku sangat sakit and esok ade kelas pukul 8 pagi..huhu.. Good night everybody

09 March, 2009


Last weekend I was in Stradbroke Island (straddie) again for Biotech trip. I was there 2 years ago as a participant but now I'm there again under a different ticket, as a mentor. We left for the Island on Saturday morning. It was the same saturday as the MASCA Welcoming BBQ but as I had made up my mind to go to straddie, bye2 to the BBQ.

me and Belle on the ferry

It was the same as I has remembered it. Except that the mentors didn't stayed at the VIP house, we stayed in the dorm just like the participants except that we had our own bathroom which was really convenient. There was nothing much for us mentors to do. We just had to assist the students in the workshops in the afternoon and participate in the trivia quiz at night where we got the highest mark. The rest are just free times that we can just relax and enjoy ourselves.

The next day which was Sunday, we went for a walk at Lookout point. Here, we saw DOPLHINS!! Yes, that cute, friendly animals..and trust me they were cute. They were playing with the wave and a few times, they were jumping out of the water. We were hoping to see some turtles but none can be found. Later on the day, we had a swim at Cylinder beach and had our lunch. After that, it was time to go home and back to reality.

can you spot the dolphins here?

Ernest, me and Ming at Cylinder beach

Even though it was my 2nd time there but its as exciting as my first time. Hopefully next year I have an opportunity to go there again.

Till then~

04 March, 2009

Tagged 2

Yang nie i've been tagged by nierah.
"Cute Bloggers Award"

Link atau ceritakan kembali siapa yg memberikan award ini kpd anda.
Munirah Hanim bt Ishak

Nierah is a friend that I met when I was in UK. She used to live in Bristol for a year when her dad was doing his master. She's been to my house in Swansea 10 years ago, I think this is how we've met each other. Sorry nierah, I really don't remember anything so I can't write lots of things about you. All of the old pics are back home in Malaysia. I'll try my best to dig something up when I get home in the future ye. Even though, I don't remember something back from the past, but i hope we can create something memorable in the future. Hope to know you better in the future.

Setiap blogger hendaklah menyatakan 10 fakta atau hobi diri sendiri sblm memilih pemenang seterusnya.

1. I'm so into sport. Even though some people stop playing sport when they finish high school but I still continue to play actively till now.

2. My first ambition was to be a pilot and I was so dissapointed when my eyes were not perfect anymore. Then I changed my ambition to accountant, but then I don't know why I applied for Biotech when I put my application for JPA scholarship. Kind of regret with the decision that I made in the first place. But now, I really like what I'm doing.

3. I really like the colour orange and purple.

4. Even though I may look like a strong person on the outside but I still think that I'm not as strong as everybody think I am.

5. I'm very close with my parents and siblings. I don't usually keep secrets from then but there are one or two exemption.

6. Even though I rarely keep in touch with my friends back home, but I always miss hanging out with them and having their company.

7. I'm very, very, very (and I mean very) addicted to asian dramas esp korean and taiwan. I can just sit in front of my laptop all day watching these drama and I know it's not a healthy way of living.

8. I love shopping for bags. It does matter matter whether a handbag, backpack or sportsbag. I just love bags.

9. I really want to go out wearing high heels but I know that I will suffer the whole day. So, I just stick with flip flops and sneakers.

10. I love to travel.

I like to tag:

Yatie, Ninie, Yana & Piejah

Tagged 1

Tagged by Ninie

1. Go to your photo folder in your computer
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge
6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged

Here it is:

Gamba hari anugerah cemerlang 2005. Nie semua yang dapat anugerah plus Putri yang tak ada dalam gamba nie. Btw, syai kat mane ye skarang?die je yang aku tak tau menyepi kat mane.

p/s: I'm not tagging anyone.hehe..

27 February, 2009

Few days left

Genap 2 hari je lagi tinggal cuti aku, isnin nie dah start balik klas. Malas giler nak start klas balik..rasa cam tak puas je cuti walaupun cuti 3 bulan. Yela bile kire2 balik hari yang aku benar2 cuti, sbenarnye ade 3 minggu je yang aku benar2 cuti yg golek2 tak wat pape.

So dalam cuti 3 bulan nie, aku:
1. pegi holiday kat NZ 2 minggu
2. spend time ngan family 3 minggu
3. keje kat lab 7 minggu
4. khatam 5 buah buku
5. khatam 1 cite korea, 1 cite jepun n 4 cite taiwan
6. dapat total gaji $2100 (ka ching!!haha)
7. miss aunt akunye wedding

Last week cuti nie berlalu dengan sangat cepat. Rasenye baru je brenti keje semalam, rupa2nya dah sminggu dah aku brenti keje. Sminggu tak keje nie rase sangap giler. Rindu nak masuk lab balik pun ada.hehe..

Kita tinggalkan cerita summer break, skang citer psal klas plak. Dah masuk 3rd year dah dalam degree aku, next year dah final year pastu abes. Skejap je masa berlalu dah nak abes dah degrre aku nie. This sem aku amik 4 subjek: Determination of Molecular Structure (chem), Drug Design & Development (biot), Biomedical Pharmacology (biom) and Genomics & Bioinformatics (biol). Ni 1st time yang aku amik 3 bio subjek dalam 1 sem, besenya aku limit 2 bio subjek je per sem (yela bio bkan strong point aku..hehe..walaupun aku amik biotek). Hopefully aku bleh cope this sem and maintain Dean's list, InsyaAllah.

Btw, end of this year i'll be going to UK and Europe. Finally, jadi jugak nak wat eurotrip ujung taun nie as planned..hehe. Last week baru beli tiket so akan pegi 23 hari from 20dec till 12jan. Yang bestnya boxing day kat sana, skarang nie tinggal nak kne kumpul duit nak blanje kat sana je. Tak sabarnya rasanya walaupun lame lagi till the end of the year. Nampaknya azam taun baru nak pegi jepun/korea kene tangguh taun depanla nampaknya. Mana mampu rasanya nak pegi 2 temapat setaun. Tiket flight aje dah brape, belum masuk kos belanja kat sana lagi. Dahla jepun and korea memang terkenal dengan kos hidup yang tinggi kat sana. So memang tak ada choice selain postpone, AGAIN. Hisy, next year kalau tak jadi jugak tak taula, dah 2 taun tunda..hehe..

Till then~

25 February, 2009

The story of H

Been tagged by my friend Ninie on facebook. As I don't want to do it on facebook i decided to put it in my blog instead.
Rules:It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : huda
2. A four Letter Word : home
3. A boy's Name : hafiz
4. A girl's Name : husna
5. An occupation : hairdresser
6. A color : hijau
7. Something you'll wear : halter top
9. A type of food : hotdog
10. Something found in the bathroom : hair dryer
11. A place : Hungary
12. A reason for being late : hungry (get something to eat first)
13. Something you'd shout : hey!!
14. A movie title : harry potter and the chamber of secrets
15. Something you drink : herbal tea
16. A musical group : himalaya
17. An animal : hare
18. A street name : hale st, brisbane
19. A type of car : honda
20. The title of a song : haunted - rhihanna

p/s: it's not that i don't know how to count but when i got this thing from Ninie, no 8 was already missing k. So, it's not my fault. ;-)

16 February, 2009

Passion + Future

How time flies. 6 weeks already gone and i'm left with my last week of work. It seems as it was yesterday that i first stepped into the sapphire lab at the school of pharmacy.

Some of you maybe wondering ape la best sgt keje dlm lab nie? Well to me, the answer can be anything. Its subjective as everybody may have their own opinion about it. To me, doing research is my passion and i know that i'm doing something for the benefit of us human being. Besides that i get to meet a lot of people with different background. Who says that you don't meet people in the lab? I got more international experience while working in the lab. I got friends from the states, austria, taiwan, germany, sweden, myanmar, france and even bangladesh.

Enough with that, i would like to share my work experince with you guys. For the last 6 weeks i've been testing cell migration in the presence of mango extracts. This is to prove that the fruit mango is good for our health. Obviously we know that any fruit is good for us but what does it really do to our body. So my job is to test whether the cell migrate or not. If the cell migrates then it's good and it has some scientific value. So far i've been getting some positive result with a bit of inconsistency that needs to be further clarified. Besides that i also test the toxocity of the cells in the presence of the extracts, this is to ensure that the extracts don't kill the cells.

That is some insight of what i've been doing for the past 6 weeks. Not much can be reveal as i need to protect the details for i.p purposes. For your information, you don't get good results everyday that you conduct the experiment. Last week has been a hell of a week for me. Nothing seems to be coming out from the experiments until Friday when i analysed the results i got something to be excited about. That really made my day. What a nice way to end my week. The sun don't always shine till the end of the day.hehe..

I'm just sharing my point of view here, some people may have other opinion. But my advice is that research require lots hard work and patience and lifetime of learning. Don't go into it half heartedly, if not you will regret it half way.

Here are some pics at work:

my table at work, writing the lab book

counting cells under the microscope

part of the lab

view under the microscope.the small black thing are cells which i have to count

working under the fume hood

part of the experiment protocol

I hope you guys gain some info from this post. Till then~

09 February, 2009


A friend email me this thing and maybe some of you dah pernah come across this thing, ini just a reminder for myself and maybe for you guys as well. The main thing is that I want to share the knowledge with all of you.


A. Ahli Syurga Dari Awal.
B. Ahli Neraka Dari Awal..
C. Ahli Neraka Sementara Kemudian Akan Dilantik Jadi Ahli Syurga.

EMPAT GANJARAN LUMAYAN (khas untuk jawatan A):
1. Nikmat kubur..
2. Perlindungan di Padang Mahsyar..
3. Keselamatan Meniti Titian Sirat.
4. Syurga yang kekal abadi.

Bila-bila masa secara adhoc bermula dari saat membaca iklan ini.

Di dalam kubur (alam barzakh).

Anda tidak perlu bawa siji-sijil, termasuk sijil saham termasuk saham Internet.Anda tidak perlu bawa pingat, Mercedes mata belalang atau kad kredit. Anda tidak perlu bawa wang atau harta serta emas yang anda kumpul. Anda tidak perlu berparas rupa yg cantik, hensem atau berbadan tegap atau seksi. Sila bawa dokumen asal iaitu : Iman dan Amal serta sedekah jariah sebagai sokongan.

Mungkar dan Nakir.

1. Siapa Tuhan anda?
2. Apa Agama anda?
3. Siapa Nabi anda?
4. Apa Kitab anda?
5. Di mana Kiblat anda?
6. Siapa Saudara anda?

Anda cuma perlu menunggu penjemput yang berkaliber untuk menjemput anda. Ia akan menjemput anda pada bila-bila masa saja (mungkin sekejap lagi). Ia akan berlembut kepada orang-orang tertentu dan akan bengis kepada orang-orang tertentu.
Ia diberi nama Izrail..

Hadis Hasan yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad Hanbal, yang bermaksud begini:

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W:
" Sesungguhnya apabila jenazah seseorang itu diletakkan di dalam kuburnya, sesungguhnya jenazah itu mendengar suara (terompah kasut) orang-orang yang menghantarnya ke kubur pada saat mereka meninggalkan tempat itu. Jika mayat itu seorang muslim, maka solat yang dilakukannya ketika beliau masih hidup di dunia akan diletakkan di kepalanya, puasanya diletakkan disebelah kanannya, zakatnya diletakkan di sebelah kirinya dan amalan kebajikan daripada sedekah jariah, silaturrahim, perkara kebajikan dan ihsan diletakkan dihujung dua kakinya." Ia akan didatangi malaikat dari aras kepala, maka solat itu berkata kepada malaikat : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk.. Kemudian malaikat berpindah ke sebelah kanan, maka puasa berkata kepadanya : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk.. Kemudian malaikat berpindah kesebelah kiri, maka zakat berkata kepadanya dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk

Kemudian di datangi dari arah kedua hujung kakinya dan berkatalah amal-kebajikan di bahagianku tidak ada jalan masuk. Maka malaikat berkata kepadanya Duduklah kamu. Kepadanya (mayat) memperlihatkan matahari yang sudah mula terbenam, lalu malaikat bertanya kepada mayat itu : Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki-laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepadanya? Maka berkata mayat itu : Tinggalkan aku sebentar, aku hendak sembahyang. Maka berkata malaikat : Sesungguhnya engkau akan mengerjakan solat (boleh saja solat) tetapi jawab dahulu apa yang kami tanya ini. Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki -laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepada nya? Maka berkata mayat itu: Laki-laki itu ialah! Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan aku naik saksi bahawa nabi Muhammad saw itu ialah pesuruh Allah yang membawa kebenaran daripada Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Maka malaikat berkata kepada mayat itu : Demikianlah kamu dihidupkan dan begitu juga kamu dimatikan dan dengan demikian juga kamu dibangkitkan semula diakhirat insya'Allah. Kemudian dibuka baginya satu pintu syurga, maka dikata padanya itulah tempat kamu dan itulah janji Allah bagi kamu dan kamu akan berada di dalamnya. Maka bertambahlah gembira mayat itu. Kemudian dilapangkan kuburnya seluas 70 hasta dan disinari cahaya baginya".
Hopefully ada yang mendapat manfaat dr post nie. Salam.