02 August, 2009

Tagged 3

The rules:
• Write three (3) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.

-rajin layan aku di kala aku sedang bosan atau malas study..hehe

-suka spongebob

-baru berjinak-jinak dengan buku cerita ;)

• Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies.

-suka travel

-suka membaca novel

-suka layan cerita korea/jepun/taiwan

-pernah berangan nak jadi pilot

-suka bersukan tapi abah kate dah semakin tua so kene kurangkan..hehe

-jarang sakit tapi sekali sakit mengambil masa yang lama nak sembuh

-selalu niat nak update blog tapi malas

-suka colour orange and purple

-suka nombor 8

-rindu nak balik Malaysia

• Pick your seven (7) most deserving recipients and describe them.

Malas nak tag sesiapa

• Leave a comment on the recipients’ blog to tell them they’ve been tagged.


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