28 January, 2009


It's been a while since I wrote a new post. This post is just update on what I've been going through lately..

Firstly, I started working in the lab since 5th January and it's been nearly a month already. How time flies. I'm starting to get some interesting results from my experiment. My supervisor said that there is something interesting with the result and with further experiments if things turn out fine, I might get my first paper published.InsyaAllah. I hope it will become a reality. My supervisor is really excited with the progress that she even ask me if i want to continue with the project when the semester starts. So, maybe if my timetable permits me to do so, I will be in the lab during the semester as well. Yay!!I'm sooo happy..hehe.. (bunyi nerd giler kan..but this is what I like doing).

Last weekend, it was a long weekend as it was Australia day on Monday (Australia Day tue hari merdeka dorg). So, it was a 3 days break. Yahoo!!. As I don't want to spend my holiday staying at home doing nothing, I rented a car and do some travelling. At first, I want to go to Canberra as ciktie kate bosan I changed the plan to Sunshine Coast. In the end, ciktie can't join as she have to work.

So, with the holiday. On Saturday, me and Hana went to pick up the car at Valley where luck was on our side. If not, we couldn't get a car as it was out of stock already. Once we got the car, we were wondering where to go then we decided to go to Byron bay as both of us haven't been there yet. We went to the lighthouse at Byron bay where the view was MasyaAllah..so spectacular and breathtaking. Seriusly lawa giler. The water was so clear that we can see sharks and rays. But the weather was killing us, it was sooo hot. Then we went to crystal castle after it was recommended by this lady. It was pure dissapointment. I thought it was like a real castle coated with crystal but it turn out to be a garden with lots of Buddha statues. We even had to pay $10 for the entrance fee. It was not worth it at all. So, done for day 1.

me and hana on the way to Byron Bay

lighthouse at Byron Bay

Byron Bay

Crystal Castle, Mulumbimby

The next day, we started the journey at 7am with another friend, Ella. So the 3 of us first head to Glasshouse Mt, where the scenary was so peaceful and so mind relaxing. As we were there early, there's still some morning mist on the mountains which adds to the relaxness (ade ke perkataan nie?hehe). Then we got lost in a maze at Tanawha. the maze was like the one in Harry Potter 4 except that it was not that high. It was tiresome getting lost in the maze but we enjoyed it. Later on, we had lunch on the beach where the sun was directly on our head. Seriously no wonder Qld has the highest rate of skin cancer. The sun was killing me. The last destination was Noosa heads where we didn't stay long as everybody was tired and don't want to stay out in the sun for that long. So, it ends our journey for the long weekend.

Glasshouse Mt

Bellingham Maze, Tanawha

Noosa Heads

Another news is that my sister will be going to borading school soon. She has been offered a place at Sc Muar where my cousin just graduated from there last year. After this there will be nobody at home except Una and my parents. Sometimes I do pity my parents, they have 5 kids but all of them are away from home. Sian dorg.

Lastly, I'm gonna miss another wedding in the family. My aunt is getting married this weekend and I was suppose to be her pengapit. I wish I was back home. Everybody will be back for her wedding and they all are having fun without me. (Another regret feeling for studying abroad). Not fair, just not fair. Well this is life, you won't get everything that you want in your life. Sometimes, a sacrifice is needed.

Till next time~

7 says:

Yatie Samsul said...

Huda, ko wat research eh kat lab. eh. ko minat eh. hehe. aku pon pasni kene keje camtu kan. xtau minat ke x. hehe.

Anonymous said...

aah aku wat research..aku suke giler kot duk kat lab wat research..mmg pasnie aku nk keje dlm lab as researcher..hehe

Yatie Samsul said...

yekeeee. aku penin kot. pcr la drug la. hihi. huda, kat aussie right hand side eh driver, mcm kat msia gak eh.

Anonymous said...

once ko familiar ngan work environment ok kot..hehe..cume kekdg bosan gak wat menda same tiap2 arie..tp outcome die xkan sama..tue yg best tue..hehe..
aah kat sini right hand side driver gak cam kat mesia..sng aku nk g jenjln.hehe

Liyana Jaafar said...

gila best dpt keje kat sana. kompem kaya raya nih. haha. aih, aku teringin gak utk xnk balik time summer. tp tu la. tataw bila. hjung thn ni cam nk kene balik gak if x dpt praktikal kat oz. aiyoo.

Huda Daud said...

hehe..xdela kaya raya..tp mampulah nk saving sket utk next tym travel.hehehe..nasihat aku kalo ko x keje x yahla stay sini..mmg boleh mati kutu kebosanan.hehehe..membe aku br abes keje die so ade 3 mggu cuti..3 hari je tahan pastue die kate leh mati kebosanan.hehehe

frashdi said...

waaaaaa...aq nk wt research gk..hihi..another 1and half yr..turn aq plak wt rsrch...nk wt gmpak2 nye..neway, ko wt research pe?

best aaa kje lab...tp kalo research ko bes aaa..haha